Left Behind: The Kids Wiki
The Search
Front Cover
Front Cover
Tagline The struggle to survive
Publication Date July 2000
Authors Jerry B. Jenkins & Tim LaHaye with Chris Fabry
ISBN 978-0-8423-4329-9
Number in Series Nine
Number of Pages 159
Book Chronology
Preceded By
Death Strike
Succeeded By
On The Run

The Search is the ninth book in the Left Behind: The Kids series and it was written by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye with Chris Fabry. The plot of this book follows the death of Bruce Barnes and the Young Trib Force's hunt to find a missing Ryan.

Back Cover Summary[]

As World War III erupts, the Young Trib Force loses one of the most important people to them in the world. Also, Judd, Vicki, Lionel, and their friends set out on a desperate search to find Ryan.
The exciting series for kids contiues as the Young Tribulation Force attempts a rescue before another air attack by the Global Community, In the process, the kids face new dangers and encounter a top Global Community official.

Plot Summary[]

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